This + That Blog
Here are the questions I ask all my new clients to get the ball rolling when they’re considering hiring a remote marketing manager or small business marketing consultant.
Don’t forget customer acquisition isn't where the work ends. Creating a brand personality, and a world in which your products exist is the challenge!
Adapted from “Identifying and Countering White Supremacy Culture in Food Systems,” the research brief by Alison Conrad, MPP, Duke Sanford World Food Policy Center. Food system actors must understand how white supremacy culture narratives function to center whiteness across the food system.
As a first step, here’s a list of the packages I offer with some descriptions about what I do and what would be expected of you. This digital marketing pricing guide can help you determine your marketing and social media budget. I can work to generate leads, drive website traffic, and build brand awareness with marketing services specific to you and your audience.
One thing I like to express though - don't forget that I've built a whole career out of this... one person isn't meant to do everything for their small business!